Latest News for Laser AI

New Lithium 1.2 Version for Laser AI

Lithium Version Release Notes

Learn about Laser AI's latest update, which brings new features to Data Extraction, AI-powered deduplication and more!

October 15, 2024
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New Helium 1.1 Laser AI Version

What's New with the Helium (1.1) Update

Read about the latest version "Helium" updates to Laser AI.

April 1, 2024
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A person reading from a tablet that says "AI" and is a reference to Laser AI having tools for research.

Online survey: Artificial Intelligence in Literature Reviews

Our survey aimed to understand attitudes toward AI in literature reviews. Responses are anonymous, and privacy is guaranteed. Thank you for joining us!

August 1, 2023
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Artur Nowak, a founder of Laser AI giving a speech for receiving the Eagle of Innovation award

Evidence Prime wins the Eagle of Innovation Competition

As an important startup award in Central Europe, Evidence Prime is proud to win the Eagle of Innovation Competition for the best technological solution.

May 24, 2023
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